Thank you for adding your event/workshop

♦ IMPORTANT: We are aware of a technical issue impacting the uploading of images to events - please complete your event listing then email image/s to with your event name and date. 

Events/Workshops loaded on the What's On Calendar must be publicly accessible* and hosted within the Lockyer Valley Regional Council rated region.

  • To maximise exposure upload at least six (6) weeks prior to event/workshop.
  • When completing the below form it is important to complete all requested information including a visitor focused description outlining what visitors can do, see and experience at your event/workshop. (If you need assistance with writing your description, the tourism team are happy to assist simply email
  • All listings must be accompanied by a relevant photo in landscape rotation (sideways) of at least 1920 x 1000 pixels. Only use images you have permission to use (Australian Image Copyright). Avoid using images downloaded from social media platforms as these will often blur when loaded.
  • Professionally looking flyers can be attached to your event - simply upload event and email flyer to

If you experience any issues assistance is available through the Lockyer Valley Visitor Information Centrs. Or use the ‘contact us’ feature and a team member will be in touch during business hours.

* Publicly accessible event means events that do not require memberships to attend. Lockyer Valley Regional Council reserves the right not to promote any events deemed unsuitable for this platform.

Please register your event using the form below.

Key details

Only the event start date is required. You may also override how the date and time are displayed using the "Plain text date" and "Plain text time" fields below.
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Plain text date
Customise how your event date appears
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Plain text time
Customise how your event time appears
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Please enter full address as accurately as possible. A list of results will appear; click on the result which best matches the address for the event location. Alternatively enter the address for the event location, then click and drag the red marker on the map to the desired location.

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Contact details

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Other details

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A valid URL must be entered - e.g. starting with http:// or https://
A valid URL must be entered - e.g. starting with http:// or https://
A valid URL must be entered - e.g. starting with http:// or https://


Your image must be
- Less than 1MB
- Landscape orientation

Please do not upload your poster as the primary image, but rather a single image without text. If you would like to include your poster, please upload it within the other images field.

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