My Itinerary


The 2025 Lockyer Valley Heritage Festival will reveal the past, bringing light to lesser-known histories and stories, and unearthing knowledge to empower younger generations as custodians of culture and tradition. 
Join us in the Lockyer Valley to celebrate our history at Das Neumann Haus, Laidley Pioneer Village and Gatton District Historical Society. Just a few things you can expect are below:


Das Neumann Haus

Cnr Patrick and William Street, Laidley
(Free Entry) - 8am-2.30pm

Annie's Place Coffee Shoppe 
Music by Phil Vellacott 
Free Entry to House Museum 
Markets and Stalls 
Billy Team & Damper 
Spinners & Weavers 
Live Bee Demonstration 
Horse Drawn Carriage Rides around Laidley CBD - $5 Per Person 


Gatton & District Historical Society 

Freemans Road, Gatton 
(Entry by Donation) - 9am-2pm

Official opening of Memorial Hall Displays 
Unveiling of Special Memorial in Memorial Hall 
Light Horse Flag Raising and Display
Display of Vintage Cars by LAMA
Working Blacksmith 
Display of 1940's Fire Engine 
Engine Shed with running stationary engines 
New museum displays 
Vintage Motor Cycles Display by LVVMC
Quilt Display 
Devonshire Teas 


Laidley Pioneer Village 

Cnr Drayton and Pioneer Street, Laidley 
(Entry by Donation) 8am-2.30pm 

Big Brekky' plus all day menu & Devonshire Tea 
Wood working and dairy displays with butter making demonstrations 
Working Blacksmith displays 
Vintage cars by LAMA and farm machinery 
Spinners & Weavers 
Sheep Shearing demonstration 
Highland Dancers 
Children's Activities 
Historic 1928 LINN Logging Truck 
2nd Light Horse Display
Gem Display by Gatton Lapidary Club 
Historic organ recitals in the Pioneer Chapel

2025-04-12 08:00:00
2025-04-12 14:30:00


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